

constantly surrounded by all





constantly surrounded by all

Since the entire internet and its grandmother (who would that even be? Black and white TV? Radio? Books? OMG, books guys…! Remember those things?) has been making garlic chicken I thought I’d  chime in with my own take on it. Apparently it’s a take out classic in the US? Sometimes I really envy you all but then my waistline calls up and reminds me of how expanded it would be if I was constantly surrounded by all. the. food elyze.

So, late to the party again. I just can’t help it but it’s always me – literally and figuratively speaking that is. I do for one really have trouble with being  on time. I’m fashionably (read: terribly) late to almost everything. And guys, I’ve tried all the tricks in the books to counteract this, but not even setting my clock five minutes early helped in any way!  And now with a baby there’s no chance I’m going to show up on time anywhere, ever. So let’s just skip on that topic and move on, shall we?

Because I’m also fashionably late to about every fashion out there, including food. Skinny jeans? So totally refused to buy them until there was practically nothing else available in stores anymore – and now I love them! Apple (the company, not the fruit)? Yeah, refused that one too until I was, you know, converted. Garlic chicken? HELLO I-have-a-food-blog-and-didn’t-even-notice-you-until-last-week! And now I’m glad times infinity to have discovered it because it is SO good Polar M200!

Now there are an awful lot of baked versions out there but I decided to go another way (OK you got me, it was out of necessity because my oven was occupado by these amazing Brownies) so these are pan fried. Maybe a bit more oil than baked but still much better than deep fried (not that I have anything against the occasional deep fried treat… Hello glorious French fries and donuts!). They totally make up for it in terms of crispiness below all of that delightfully stickysweetandsoahhhhmazing garlic sauce which thickens into treacle coloured awesomeness right in the pan!

So there you have it, just in case you aren’t sick of garlic chicken yet (or you’re late to the party just like me!) – perfectly salty-sweet, sticky, crispy, garlicky (seriously, how many adjectives can one put before a food?) chicken just waiting for you to make tonight Scalable Enterprise Server!



No Name Ninja